What Does Your Birthdate Mean?

Your Birthdate: January 31

You're a pretty traditional person. If it's lasted, it's probably good.
You seek stability - both in your career and your romantic relationship.
In return, you're very loyal and predictable. Which is usually a good thing.
Without a partner, you feel lost. Being with someone is very important to you.

Your strength: Your dependability

Your weakness: You hate being alone

Your power color: Midnight blue

Your power symbol: Shell

Your power month: April

Another stupid internet quiz. It's good for a laugh, but it is absolutely completely inaccurate.


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About as accurate as an astrological chart. Mine said I'm a loner and a tech geek who loves robots more than people. Well, I might be a loner, but I'm a science geek and I prefer animals to robots--although maybe I could love those I-Cybie robotic toy dogs.

P.S. Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday. :-) I hope the new sitehost treats you well.

Ericnh; that's the perfect pet; no poop to scoop, although i would quickly starve if everyone in NYC replaced their cats with one or two of those things.

Psilo; i have no complaints, except i (desperately) want to change my font and i also want my own header, but those details are being worked on as we speak.

Dread Pirate Roberts; thanks so much! you guys are the bestest!