Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) #35 is Published!

Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power)
-- Sir Francis Bacon.

The most recent edition of Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) -- "Scientia Pro Publica 35" -- was just published at the buttcrack of dawn today by John at Kind of Curious.

To share yours, or others', writing, either use this automated submission form or use the cute little widget on the right (be aware that widget doesn't upload when the mother site is nonfunctional, and ALWAYS check your email/spam filter for your submission receipt to be sure it was sent properly). Alternatively, you can also send the link directly to the Scientia Blog Carnival email address.

The next issue will be published 2 August by Akshat at his newly relocated and newly named blog The Allotrope. As always, we are seeking hosts for upcoming issues -- starting with 13 September, we have open hosting slots for the remainder of 2010 [see schedule]. If you have always wanted to host an issue of Scientia Pro Publica on your blog, now is your chance!

Additionally, we need submissions of excellent quality science, nature and medical blog writing, so don't hesitate to provide your assistance: if you read or write something that you wish to share with a larger audience, be sure to send us the link now.

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