I and the Bird #18 Available

I and the Bird, issue #18, is now available. It is hosted by Rob, author of The Bird Chaser.

This issue is a wake-up call to the blogosphere because it takes the form of a news story that was published on this very day, but 30 years in the future. This story reviews bird-related blog posts (all of us!), thus providing a window into birding and human-bird relationships at the dawning of the 21st Century. Fortunately, I do have a contribution in this carnival (I overcompensated for my recent Tangled Bank faux pas by sending them two submissions, only one of which -- the first -- was accepted).

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The trick is to have two or three blogs and send one entry from each. Almost always the host lets then all in. It works most of the time (though not for the last Tangled Bank - Tara picked only one of my seven entries!)

BTW, I am hosting the next I And The Bird. Giving a little shout-out and call for submissions will be greatly appreciated....

The link doesn't work.

By biosparite (not verified) on 03 Mar 2006 #permalink