Welcome to everyone who came here via Daily Kos! Please indulge me by looking around for a few minutes.

Daily Kos just linked to a photo and story about NASA that I posted yesterday. According to my statmeter (which I expect will crash any second now), I am receiving approximately 100 hits every 5 minutes, to start.

It's so exhilarating that it's almost scary.

And best of all, the word from DarkSyde is, my peeps, that Daily Kos will link to Tangled Bank tomorrow in an open thread. This will not generate quite as many hits as today's link, but it's still gonna be quite a party for all the contributors. What a great way to share your words of wisdom with the world!

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....Daily Kos....I am receiving approximately 100 hits every 5 minutes....

Put me down for one of those hits.

Not only that, but after a quick scan of your site to determine quality and posting frequency, I added it as the 9th URL in my 7x tabbed folder - the blogs I visit seven times per week, i.e. once daily.

I'll be back. ;-)

I enjoy yer blog too, but please--please!--stop referring to us as your "peeps."
It's very annoying.
Fo' shizzle.

.......sorry, just laughing so hard with joy for you that I can't even type! And you can call me a peep, a blogmate, whateva.

CCP: About peeps. You gotta be a birder to get it. Ask one.

to all my new peeps, er, visitors; thanks for visiting. hrm. "visitors" .. "visiting" .. that sounds redundant.

i've never heard of that blog, tall dark and mysterious. i wonder if they'll link to tangled bank?

Peeps n (sing.; peep); a colloquial familiar term for "people" that denotes affection; friends. Other common usage, a colloquial term used by birdwatchers to describe small migratory shorebirds, usually a group comprised of a variety of species; sandpipers. Product name for marshmallows created in the shape of a chick (originally yellow in color, but now occur every color of the rainbow, thanks to market evolution) that are subjected to terrible tortures by evil humans around easter time.

don't forget that a peep is NOT a poop(head). thanks to you, my poop(head)s for visiting .. naw, that just won't work.

maybe i should work on this peep issue a little and post it to my blog as a silly little essay, instead of hiding it in comments?