Iscream, and You?

It's been two of those weeks in a row, and what works best to fix that? Iscream, that's what!

You Are Chunky Monkey Ice Cream

Truthfully, you're too spazzy to be chunky - you cheeky monkey!

Don't forget that 25 April is Ben and Jerry's annual "Free Cone Day" which is the anniversary of their opening day. These free cones are a special "thank you" to their customers.

So what special iscream did you end up being? I took the liberty of figuring out PZ Myers' special iscream flavor (below the fold) .. it's too perfect, indeed, it's soooo appropriate, heehee!

You Are Fossil Fuel Ice Cream

What does liking "fudge dinosaurs" say about someone?

If I instead use PZ's first and last name, well, here's the surprising result;

You Are Marsha Marsha Marshmallow Ice Cream

Outdoorsy and gluttonous, yup, that's you!

More like this

For "Coturnix": You Are Dave Matthews Band Magic Brownies Ice Cream

For "Coturnix", second time around: You Are Fossil Fuel Ice Cream

oh, pooh! i thought they had a specific set of criteria they used to assign iscream flavors. it appears that it is a random process!

1. You Are Dave Matthews Band Magic Brownies Ice Cream
2. You Are Fossil Fuel Ice Cream
3. Same as #1
4. You Are Phish Food Ice Cream

Oh, random! So they don't magically rank you using pigeons or something like that. I got:

"You Are Phish Food Ice Cream. You've been described as gooey and fudgey. Sorry."

So no reason to worry.

By Caio de Gaia (not verified) on 08 Apr 2006 #permalink

OK, the quiz has:
1. A single question.
2. The answer to the question should require no thought or reflection ('cause it's your name).
3. Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

This is evidence that the target demographic is expected to have, uh, memory issues ("How did that sentence start, dude?") and so to be highly unlikely to notice the discrepancy from one submission to another.

But they're totally diggin' those ice cream flavors!

I feel like such a party pooper! Is it because I am a scientist - I have to replicate everything and break everything to see how it works on the inside?

don't worry. i did the same thing... 4 times. 4 different responses. chunky monkey, half baked, dave matthews band magic brownies, and marsha marsha marshmallow.