Sunday Morning Lies By Satan

This is your streaming dose of Sunday morning lies by satan -- enjoy!

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Ah, sodomizing your children is optional if you want to get into heaven. Phew, that's a relief.

Please tell me this guy is taking the piss. I don't like the idea that the stereotypes are this true.


eek, that is the most hideous accent I've ever heard. People actually talk like that? I thought you dudes where making these sorts of people up!

By Panopticon (not verified) on 18 Mar 2007 #permalink

This guy is good.He probably will fool a lot of people.Give a college kid a camera and some good dope and you have mischief.Abiogenesis becomes the Albigensian heresy.He knows because he read it on wiki.He did if he looked up the Cathar heresy.The heresy did involve sex.The complete lack of it.No meat,eggs,milk or anything else that involved sex.He said he listened to Fossil Records.I don't believe they record much gospel music.Chris Butler's,"There is a hole in the sky" is not probably on the hit list of yahoos.All in all it was pretty scary.

By spartanrider (not verified) on 19 Mar 2007 #permalink