Space, the Final Frontier ..

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This streaming video makes NASA's lunar exploration look like a world premier of a really cool movie. Too bad they don't have the vision and leadership that is required to make a really cool movie .. and too bad putting a few dozen white tanks on the surface of the moon isn't as cheap as making a really cool movie -- they apparently want $100 billion to do it. But the trailer is inspirational. [2:01].

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They're charging $100 billion for a making a dodgy quality film on a secret stage set?


Wow. . . that sure made me take space travel seriously again. . .

Awesome trailer - it made something stir in me,quite a motivational piece!

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 17 May 2007 #permalink

Excellent video, Grrl. Living on the moon makes even New York City look economical.

By biosparite (not verified) on 17 May 2007 #permalink

I could help them save money -- I volunteer to go for half of whatever they're paying the astronauts now. Seriously. I never stopped wanting to go. I don't know what skills they're looking for in an astronaut, but I am an efficient and accurate cataloger. I can keep track of anything you find up there. I do have that to bring to the table. Plus, I won't embarass the program. No driving halfway across the country wearing a diaper to kill someone, or anything like that. And I've seen Apollo 13 like, 100 times. Come on, let me go too! I'd be happy to help build your weird little pods!