What Teachers Make

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Everyone knows that "those who can, do, while those who can't, teach". Right? Wrong. This streaming video of Taylor Mali, slam poet and teacher, speaks his mind regarding what teachers make. While it speaks to the traditional foundations of the teaching role, it also speaks to the heart and soul of it. Congrats to all of the teachers who have just finished up for the year, are on the home-stretch, or are about to get started again for another program this summer (or another phase of their year-round program)! [3:08]

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Ah, Taylor Mali. I've heard him give this rant before (he is an alumnus of the university where I teach, and came back for a bunch of workshops and readings). Needless to say, it played well at this place!

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink

if we had a few more people out there like him, you know, people who make teaching sound like an honorable profession that actually makes a difference in the world, well, i think we'd have fewer problems with recruiting teachers (and teaching professors).

I absolutely loved this and have watched it three times already! I am going to email this to every teacher I know. I wish SB allowed you to send to multiple recipients, though...that's a lot of teachers!

Wow! That's about the best argument I've ever heard in favour of Home Schooling.

I surely wouldn't want little children to be exposed to that kind of self-serving, opportunistic demagogue.