Emperors and Pirates

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This satire uses the style of "Schoolhouse Rock" to criticize empire-building, especially America's empire building activities. Even though this video has been around for awhile, it is as applicable today as it was when it first came out, unfortunately. [4:17]

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Suricou Raven#1
I'm not sure that Britain actually set out to build an empire, once she had aquired some major territories then some of the expansion was planned as empire buidling rather than just countering the Spanish and French.

The only nation that, in recent times, appears to have planned its empire is the USA, from 13 states covering the western seaboard to the 50 plus territories she has today. In terms of just its continental expansion, the USA is a succesful empire.

Other succesful empires are China and Russia, though Russia has had to cede some newer conquests China hasn't and is still growing (chinese Kashmir, yes they took over part of Kasmir and Tibet in the 1950s); though these have been growing over a longer period.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 15 Jan 2008 #permalink