Kitchen Science in Space!

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Alka-Seltzer is added to spherical water drop in microgravity onboard the International Space Station on March 22, 2003. Expedition Six NASA ISS Science Officer Don Pettit performs a series of microgravity experiments with water spheres and effervescent antacid tablets. Pettit inserts a tablet into a 50-millimeter sphere and observes the fizzy results. [4:43]

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Very cool, thanks. It sure is suggestive of the big bang, isn't it?

That is so cool! I think I could sit here and watch it all day!

Thanks for posting it.

What I love about scientist-astronauts (And Don Pettit particularly!) is that incredible sense of curiosity and wonder they seem to possess. It's really inspiring! May I never grow up!

This is typical of the kind of "science" done on the ISS. Imagine how much real science could be done for $130B.

But, "NASA must complete the ISS so it can be dropped into the ocean on schedule in finished form." -Robert L. Park