tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books
"One cannot have too many good bird books"
--Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927).
The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that are or soon will be available for purchase. This report is written by one of my Seattle bird pals, Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, and is published here for your enjoyment. Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by which lists ecology, environment, natural history and bird books that are (or will soon be) available for purchase.
- Long, John and Peter Schouten. Feathered Dinosaurs: The Origin of Birds. 2008. Oxford University Press. Hardbound: 193 pages. Price: $39.95 U.S. [Amazon: $26.37]. SUMMARY: A richly illustrated introduction on the subject of the dinosaur origin of birds. GrrlScientist comment: This book looks absolutely fascinating, I know I want a copy VERY much!
New and Recent Titles:
Elphick, Jonathan. Birds: The Art of Ornithology. 2008. Rizzoli (New York). Hardbound: 336 pages. Price: $19.95 U.S. [Amazon: $13.57]. SUMMARY: This small book covers bird art from prehistoric times to the Roger Tory Peterson era.
Fisher, Brian L. and Stefan P. Cover. Ants of North America: A Guide to the Genera. 2007. University of California Press. Paperback: 194 pages. Price: $34.95 U.S. [Amazon: $29.21]. SUMMARY: A photographic guide to the ant genera of North America.
Macdougall, Doug. Nature's Clocks: How Scientists Measure the Age of Almost Everything. 2008. University of Califorinia Press. Hardbound: 271 pages. Price: $24.95 U.S. [Amazon: $16.47]. SUMMARY: Focuses on the dating techniques scientists use to determine the age of objects and organisms. GrrlScientist comment: I would love to review this book on my site, especially since this book looks like a must-read for all scientists, particularly for those who argue with creationists a lot.
Nardi, James B. Life in the Soil: A Guide for Naturalists and Gardeners. 2007. University of Chicago Press. Paperback: 293 pages. Price: $25.00 U.S. [Amazon: $16.50]. SUMMARY: A field guide to soil life. GrrlScientist comment: I think this book looks absolutely fascinating, and I would love to read and review it on my blog!
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tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books
"One cannot have too many good bird books"
--Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927).
The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that are…
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, natural history books, ecology books
"One cannot have too many good bird books"
--Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927).
Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, which lists ecology, environment, natural…
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, natural history books
"One cannot have too many good bird books"
--Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927).
Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, which lists bird and natural history books that are (or will…
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, natural history books
"One cannot have too many good bird books"
--Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927).
Here's this week's issue of the Birdbooker Report by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, which lists bird and natural history books that are (or will…
I love the look of Life in the Soil. I'll have to add it to my Amazon list.
I am doing some compost layering experiments in my vegetable beds over the winter.
if you read it before i do, be sure to let me know what you thought of it (hopefully, i will be getting a review copy soon so i can tell my readers about it).
I'm guessing (totally at random) that Bora will get a review copy of Nature's Clocks.