NEWSFLASH: Paleontologists Find Fossil Of Nature's First Sexual Predator

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Paleontologists recently discovered a new dinosaur fossil in Argentina: they believe the intact skeleton could shed light on the bizarre fetishes of this pervert dinosaur [2:10]

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Slate has an interesting piece on som erecent dinosaur finds in Argentina: Paleontologists announced on Monday that they had discovered the remains of a 105-foot-long dinosaur on the banks of a lake in the Argentine portion of Patagonia. The Futalognkosaurus dukei ranks among the largest known…
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I'm glad I believe in creation not evolution. That guy spent way to much time playing in dirt, a dinosuar masturbating he's crazy!!!!!!!!

Terry, I too am glad you believe in creation and not evolution. Otherwise you may have noticed that the video is from the Onion News Network, which is on offshoot of The Onion, a fake newspaper (

Yay for homeschooling!

By wolfetone (not verified) on 22 May 2009 #permalink

Terry, I too am glad you believe in creation and not evolution. Otherwise you may have noticed that the video is from the Onion News Network, which is on offshoot of The Onion, a fake newspaper (

Yay for homeschooling!

By wolfetone (not verified) on 22 May 2009 #permalink

There you have it. Terry is living proof that belief in Creationism is synonymous with belief in The Onion.

I agree that you have to be crazy to believe in a masturbating dinosaur. It's a totally unreasonable thing to believe, unlike the idea that an invisible all-powerful deity for which there is no evidence created everything in a week and put it all in a magical terrarium.