Mystery Bird: Speckled Pigeon, Columba guinea

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[Mystery bird] Speckled Pigeon, Columba guinea, photographed drinking at the Lake Manyara Serena Lodge swimming pool, in Tanzania, Africa. [I will identify these birds for you in 48 hours]

Image: Dan Logen, 8 August 2006 [larger view].

Nikon D2X, Nikon 200-400 VR lens at 400. ISO 800. F/4.5 1/160.

Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification.

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The Mystery Bird this week is the Speckled Rock Pigeon.
The Bare Red Patch around the eye is the diagnostic pattern for this bird as well as the white spotted wing coverts . When you look at it it is obviously from the pigeon family.

Yes it's the speckled pigeon (Columba guinea). The red eyepatch, rufous wings and brownish neck with white streaks are quite diagnostic. And of course, in general shape, it is quite unmistakably pigeon.