Atheists Can't Think For Themselves!

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This astonishing video sets out to prove that being a Christian requires constant thinking, while being an atheist sheep does not. This explains why atheists are the dumbest people God ever created!

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"We have to constantly convince ourselves that we are right and they are wrong."

If I didn't know better I would think that he is being sarcastic.

After looking at some of the other stuff on his site I am pretty sure that he is being sarcastic.

I can't decide is this guy is serious, because that appeared to me like a really good argument against religion.

Something I've been meaning to post in a thoughtful forum for some time, on this subject.

I'm not what you would call religious. I am interested in Eastern Philosphy.

I am often taken aback by the level of hostility toward religion among geeks, and of some in the scientific community. (Grrlscientist, I don't mean you. :)
The obsessiveness that I see among self-proclaimed Atheists can be called religious. In fact in some cases it could be called fundamentalist!

Religion is not intrinsically evil. Nothing is. The fact is, the vast majority of people in this world do believe in god, and last I heard this was true even among a majority of the world's scientists.

Affirmative atheism is a bit silly, in my opinion, because you are suggesting there is little more to our experience than what we are able to perceive through our human brain and human senses. There was a time before our animal forebears evolved vision, and I'm sure they must have assumed there was nothing to see ;)

Don't get me wrong, I was raised by athiests, and many athiests I've known have been some of the best people I have met. But that doesn't mean that religion isn't worthwhile.

Would the world be any better off without religion? I doubt it. Maybe a little.

Most of the *big* questions in science are still unanswered, and appear largely unanswerable through what we know of science.

A lovely satire.
I especially enjoyed the depiction of scientific knowledge as "being able to spell 'the second law of thermodynamics'" -if only my thermo classes had been so easy.

Can you spell "projection"? I thought that you could...

I had to stop fairly early in, when he said "atheism is easy. Somebody tells you God does not exist and you believe him". Drop the "not", replace "atheism" with "religion", and you have it.

No, the point is that one does _not_ blindly believe everything one is told. One has to think about it. Deeply. Research and examine the evidence.

I also spent many years as a searcher in non-occidental religions and philosophies. I stopped one sunny afternoon in Ojai at J. Krishnamurti's last home, when he spent about two hours saying essentially the same thing over and over to us:

"Why are you here? I cannot tell you what to think. You have to think for yourself".

Of course. Slaps head. But I had to hear it from the man himself, reading his books did not do it even though the message was essentially the same.

Thanks, JK.

Oh yes, Joshua, "Affirmative atheism is a bit silly, in my opinion, because you are suggesting there is little more to our experience than what we are able to perceive through our human brain and human senses" - you have evidence for more than this? Remember, certainty is not evidence, it is neuronal activity in your Amygdyla affecting your gut. Plus you are really denigrating the roles of experience and our senses. And completely missing the roles played by our ability to think, to think and reason symbolically, to perform what-if abstractions, to imagine, etc. The inner life of an a-theist is far richer than any other -theist because it is populated by self-created and validated ideations, not lifeless and imperfect copies via indoctrination. Been there, done that, ignorance is death not bliss.

By GrayGaffer (not verified) on 20 Dec 2009 #permalink

Wow, I'm surprised how many people didn't "get" this.

"you are suggesting there is little more to our experience than what we are able to perceive through our human brain and human senses. There was a time before our animal forebears evolved vision, and I'm sure they must have assumed there was nothing to see ;)"

No, atheists do not make this assumption. There is a lot more to the world than what we can see, which is why we have radar, infrared cameras, electron microscopes, radio telescopes, X-Ray cameras, and many other types of sensors to detect much more than just visible light.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 23 Dec 2009 #permalink