Mystery Bird: Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus

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[Mystery bird] Newly hatched Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus, photographed at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Anahuac, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours]

Image: Joseph Kennedy, 26 June 2010 [larger view].

Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope with TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/320s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400.

Please name at least one field mark that supports your identification.

Newly-hatched baby birds of this mystery bird species have a remarkable ability, can you tell me what that is?

Newborn Black-necked Stilts are so precocial as youngsters that they have been seen swimming within two hours of hatching.

Review all mystery birds to date.

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I don't think it's Avocet. I think this may be the other long-legged one.