
i-1218930d938cc49cafc81b99fa9f0cd1-Okada.pngVertical agitation meets shame in Fish2Fork, a new seafood conservation effort led by Charles Clover (author of End of the Line), which seeks to highlight which restaurants are best and worst when it comes to the seafood they sell. The focus on restaurants is a great move and I particularly like how Fish2Fork highlights the 'top 10' and 'bottom 10' restaurants.

As a quibble, I wish the "We say..." bit on Fish2Fork was a little less whimsical and the main reasons for the negative (or positive) rating were right up top. For instance, Okada, a sushi restaurant in Las Vegas, sells bluefin tuna, Chilean sea bass, freshwater eel and albacore tuna, which is why it's given the poor rating of five red fish bones, but you have to read quite a bit about the ambience before you get to that point.

But that's minor. The best thing is that Charles Clover has decided to shift focus from consumer guilt (using wallet cards and eco-labels, both featured in his documentary The End of the Line) to shame on restaurants. In an interview with the Washington Post, Clover says:

"Environmental groups want to tell you the positive things. They want to show you how to do the right thing," Clover said in an interview at The Washington Post. "Showing what's wrong is the journalist's job. And it's the right thing to do."

It will be fun following the initiative's progress.

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