Get your science blogging while it's fresh!

It arrived a little early, but it's here now, the latest, greatest edition of Tangled Bank is now posted over at Fish Feet. Go now and get caught up on the best science blogging of the past fortnight.

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The 55th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has been posted at The Second Sight, and EoR has bowed to the higher energies of the universe in organising this edition based on the numerological vibrations of the submitters. Numerology is, of course, a science that has been proven by thousands of years…
Welcome to another edition of Tangled Bank, a round-up of the best science blogging of the past fortnight: Top story--mammals and the KT event Since the previous Tangled Bank, a few big stories hit the blogosphere. One that generated a lot of attention was a paper in Nature analyzing mammalian…
Here, on this summer solstice, a traditional time of great importance for woo, I bet you need a shot of skepticism, don't you? Fortunately, mcsquared over at Relatively Science has your back with the 63 Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. As he puts it: ..."if you are in the Northern hemisphere this…
The latest Tangled Bank has been posted at a fellow skeptic's blog, Salto Sobrius, who, it just so happens, is also scheduled to host the Skeptics' Circle in September. Go catch up on the best science blogging of the last two weeks. Speaking of the Skeptics' Circle, you still have a few hours left…