The 110th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle

Because of the confusion over last week's Skeptics' Circle, I've been totally remiss in doing what I normally do, namely plugging the next host and urging all skeptical bloggers to start getting ready their best skeptical stuff for the Circle, which is next scheduled for May 7.

So next week the host is Ferret's Cage, whose contact information is here. So get cracking! You have only a little more than a week!

Also help him out because he's dealing with an infiltration of woo in his sister's school.

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It's a little off topic for this post, but tonight on "Law and Order: SVU" they involved a baby who died of measles encephalitis caught from a little boy who's mother did not vaccinate her kid.

I thought it was a pretty decent episode- however I was annoyed that they made the one lead female character "sympathetic" to the stupid anti-vaxxer mom ("it's her choice!"). They also trotted out all the canards about the side-effects of MMR ("you forgot one...death!").

Anyway. Just thought I'd share.

The next one would be the 111th, wouldn't it? Mine was 109, and Waffle's will be 110 if they ever get their act together.

Just spotted, you accidentally put 109 twice on the schedule - doh! I should have waited until you had the celebratory 200th edition out, then ruined your party :P

Awww dammit, it looks like Dr. Jay Gordon found this link to my contact info! He's emailing me now and has obviously read my profile. =/

Entirely your fault! =P

As host of the Skeptics' Circle, you have the final say in what is and is not included in your Circle. You can decline to use his submission if you wish. Alternatively, you are free to accept it and make fun of it. I do, however, caution hosts about using this option too liberally and to be very, very sure that you're using it against a pseudoscience booster. It would not do to be making fun of a skeptic making a legitimate contribution.

By the way, Dr. Jay has been e-mailing me trying to get me to go full conspiracy mode against the "orchestration" of the swine flu scare. He should be very, very careful what he asks for. He might get it and not like it when he does.