Blog Free Weekends

Looks like a lot of the folks here at keep on going straight through the weekend. My habit is the opposite: For sanity, for relaxation, for a change of pace, I'm not a weekend blogger, unless there's something that I really think needs to be noted and can't wait. But when it comes to weekdays, I can always be expected to be posting--unless I'm traveling or hungover or something. And at least in the first case, you can expect a fair warning!

The readers of my old blog were familiar with this routine, I think, but there are a lot of new visitors here on the new site, so I thought I'd lay out how I do things. Feel free to write in to tell me I'm lazy.


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I tend to have more time on weekends, thus am more likely to write something long and involved at that time. Hurts my sitemeter as the traffic over weekends is so much lower.

I see that some other bloggers write on weekends but post their stuff on Monday morning in order to get that avalanche of hits they want. I can't wait. If I write it, I post it right away.

Hey hey hey...are you suggesting that those of us who don't pause might be less sane? Or heading towards insanity?

You might be right.