Four Days to Go: New Chapter Excerpt and Update

This entry will be short and sweet. Over at the book website, we've put up a new excerpt--a revised Chapter 11, the chapter on the subject of "Intelligent Design." And in addition to making the entire chapter available, we've also put up, at its end, the new update section that follows exclusively in the paperback edition. Seven full chapters of The Republican War on Science have been revised in this way for the paperback; this sneak preview is meant to give a taste of what that kind of updating entails. So, enjoy. Incidentally, for those of you who haven't read the book, having reread it recently I think that Chapter 11 is one of its best chapters...

P.S.: Meanwhile, Carl Zimmer has got what may be a stunning revelation about how anti-evolutionism gets promoted by leading conservative pundits...

P.P.S.: Never mind, Carl's post was a false alarm...

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Excellent overview of the ID, the DI and their connection to the Republican War on Science. Personally, I would like to see a little more of Howard Ahmanson and his minions brought to light, and of couse, as you know, I prefer to use some good old Anglo Saxon terms when describing said right-wingers, but hey, it's your book and it's darned good! Congrats.