Introducing Sydney

Not to be outstaged by Juno, over the past two days I spent most of my energies on this:

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Note to Philip H.: Sydney thanks you for blogging and providing me some relief. At 10 weeks, this Boston Terrier needs much of my attention...


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Oh, so cuuuute! Juno says she wants to meet for a play-date.

oooooohhhhh ..... couldn't you just bite that belly!!!

As Beanie snores away during her so far 6 and a half hour long nap, I know she is either dreaming of 1) whooping Sydney's butt in frisbee/ball/stick-chasing; or 2) kicking some SD-6 bad guys into unconsciousness with her cousin, Bristow-style.

Welcome to the Intersection family! I'm not sure how our resident feathered friend Spartacus will take being dethroned as the official Intersection mascott, but I'm sure he'll learn to live with it. Meanwhile, I look forward to the opportunity to give Chris some time off so you an dhe can get aquainted. Just don't eat his socks all in the first day!

Your fifth cousin< thrice removed,
Philip H.

Sparticus Maximus,
I still like you best, and hope that you will come back to The Intersection very soon.

Aw! I have a Boston terrier mix (pic!) that's the best dog ever--looks like Sydney is a doll!