Photo of the Day #260: Chase


This is Chase, the first cat I adopted about two years ago. He actually belonged to some friends of mine, but when they got a poodle Chase was so stressed out that he would do little more than hide in the laundry room. Being that he warmed up to me while still at his old home I agreed to take him in, and he's been getting white hairs all over everything ever since.


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Nice cat. He does look a little intense.

I accidentally adopted two kittens last summer. I was going to take them to the Humane Society, but they were overloaded. They are a delight.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww =huggz= =snorglz= =kissz= *hed asplode*

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink