One more day until the next Boneyard


The next edition of the paleo-themed blog carnival The Boneyard (#24) will be going up tomorrow at The Other 95%. Be sure to get your submissions in to me or Kevin sometime today if you want to be in it!

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The next edition of the paleo-themed blog carnival The Boneyard (#24) will be on exhibition next Tuesday, October 7th, at The Other 95%. It would be nice if, in honor of the host, we could get some cool invert posts in this one (ammonites, rudists, bryozoa, you name it). Whatever paleo posts you…
There has been a slight hold-up in getting the next edition of The Boneyard ready for exhibition, so you have an extra day to get your posts together. Any paleo-posts are fair game, but remember that Traumador wanted to make this a special edition all about your favorite museum; So my thinking…
... and Traumador, it's host, has something special in mind; So my thinking for this themed boneyard is for anyone and everyone out on the innerweb to put up a post about their favourite museum... it doesn't have to be a really "smart" or sciencey one, cause afterall it's me the archosaur without…
The Boneyard #24 is now up over at The Other 95%, and the latest edition of the anthropology carnival Four Stone Hearth is up at Clashing Culture. Be sure to give both of them a look! The 25th edition of the Boneyard will be up at The Big Dinosaur Lie next month.