Photo of the Day #843: Pronghorn

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A pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), photographed on Antelope Island, Utah.

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Your piece strikes my eye more as a piece of painting rather than a photograph. You seem to have achieved in this piece a rare blurring effect between a photograph and a painting brushed on by some masters of Art History. A nature artist would draw a scene as closely as possible, but it is still a painting that would not copy exactly as is unlike a photograph would.
Your piece is a photograph, and yet appears more like a painting to me. Nothing is out of focus in the picture, and a digital camera in general would not use filter for a certain desired effect. Did you use just exposure and/or distance effects to get this result, or did you use other skills you specially have?


Ari; Thank you very much for the compliment. I did not do anything special while taking this photograph. In fact, it is a little fuzzy since the tall grass made it difficult to focus. The pronghorn was just walking along the side of the road and I snapped a few frames before it dashed across and down a small hill.