Dawn of the Science Writing Dead

i-810add92ed1744e70d312e9ff48439b7-bedhead.jpgI think that the next time I'm asked to talk about human evolution at 7:38 a.m. on a news show, I'm going to shave my head the night before. Nothing undermines the authority of a science writer like a serious case of bed head. See it here (or paste this address into Windows Media Player's URL), and take pity.


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But science and crazy hair go hand in hand! Flaunt it! Anyways, great job, it was a good interview, congratulations.

Can't see it! (I'm a Mac). I got, instead of video, a whole page of "Mac troubleshooting tips" from the TV station (reminding me of those old Microsoft Mac error pages that were so full of nothing). I e-mailed them suggesting they join the 21st century.

So I can't comment on the hair, but as a woman I have found that hair is seldom as bad as we fear. But to avoid the anxiety, next time get up at 1 AM and then by 7 AM it's as if it is afternoon, which is usually a good hair time.

I can see it on my Mac (the second link). I think you probably need Flip4Mac, which will allow you to see Windows Media files using QuickTime.

Unfortunately, as Carl points out in his post, you may regret it once you do....

Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we going?

I bet he just wanted you to say that in 200 years, all humans will octopus-like tentacles.

Hi Dave: I do have flip4mac and I got the wooden floor ad ("from our forests to your floors" I couldn't believe that one), and then dead black screen.

but thank you! I'll get it one way or another

Awww..you look cute.

Cute? Well...hardly. :-)) Well...maybe if I were some kind of Josephine??? The hair can remain, but the style and the college prep dress and public demeanor have to go! :-))

Joking..and not joking aside, if you were to get an E. Coli tattoo, where would you have placed???

By Joseph Urban (not verified) on 12 Aug 2007 #permalink

The hair is a bit evocative of James Potter. xD


The host had the opportunity to interview a first-class science writer. He blew it. I suppose we need science interviewers.

About the hair --- Albert what was his last name? Considering, not that bad.

The hair really is cute...if that's what your bed head looks like, then I'm really jealous.

You could always impersonate Louis Theroux if the science writing gig gets slow.