"Why Do We Have to Junk It Up With Science?"

Following up on the last post, here's George Johnson with Stephen Colbert. Where else on TV could someone recreate one of Faraday's experiments? The new Mr. Wizard?


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A French tv channel has a daily science program for young people called "C'est pas Sorcier"(It's not magic). So far it has had 400 episodes.

I hate that guy, stephen colbert. "God did it". Fuck that motherfucker. He needs to read Dawkin's Unweaving the Rainbow damn it.

It's either "Ce n'est pas sorcier" or those Frenchies are being sarcastically French. The above translation (#1) means "It's magic."

Carl: I hope you will delete (and ban) the foul comment from Andrew. Thanks.

P.S. I am enoying Microcosm. Oddly, I put it on hold at my local library, and the library checked it out to me the day before the book was available in stores.

By Seamus MacAmus (not verified) on 11 May 2008 #permalink

The French often leave out "ne" in such cases. It is more literary to say something like "ce n'est pas", but usually people just say "c'est pas". They mean the same thing.

Um, Andrew, I think you are missing the point of the show buddy. Take a deep breath.

By Leukocyte (not verified) on 12 May 2008 #permalink