Some of My Readers Are Brilliant (Fear the Teachers' Union)


I appreciate all of you (well, except for a couple of conservatroll assholes), but this comment by "The Teachers Union" in response to a rightwing screed left in the comments is brilliant. First, the rightwing screed:

Ha. You're full of shit. The gay baiting (Foster, Haggard, Mehlman), race baiting (Steele, Harry Belafonte Calls Black Republicans tyrants, Gov. Blackwell) and hyporcisy (e.g., Michael Moore and Al Gore not practicing what they teach) comes from the democrap side.

Special interests? How about Teachers Union, Abortion death mills and welfare frauds? Why should money that I have earned be taken by force to support any of the above? the true facists are democraps who want to suppress all groups and conversation they disagree with.

Let's talk about the gay baiting. It only alienates part of the Republican base, because that part of the base hates gay people. If they didn't hate gay people, it wouldn't take. If the base didn't hate gays, outing anti-gay bigots like Haggard would be as ineffective as claiming he is left-handed; nobody would care. Most Democrats don't have a problem with gays; too many Republicans do. But I digress--let's turn it over to The Teachers Union:

Tremble in fear, Steve Williams. For now we in the all-powerful Teachers Union know your name, and soon we will find you, and we shall feast upon your blood and use your soul to fuel our doomsday device!

We are no longer satisfied with your puny "hard-earned tax dollars." No longer can you buy off the day of your reckoning with "withholding" and "alternative minimum taxes." We hunger for more -- much more!

Since the dawn of time, teachers have longed to destroy the world. Now, with Democratic victory in both houses of Congress, the hour of our ascendence is at hand. Your days are numbered, Steve Williams. Already, your very own children, indoctrinated in our so-called "schools," snicker at you behind your back; they laugh at your feeble, incoherent whining and inflated sense of entitlement. Your children, Steven, shall be our loyal foot-soldiers in our master plan for global destruction!

Is it not so written in your very own "Bible"? "Therefore beware the teachers, lest ye be taught. For by that which ye are taught, ye also shall be taught. And he who teaches, teaches death." Nea. 19:28, KJV

Where's your Messiah, now, Steven? Where's your Messiah now?

Consider this your first, and last, warning.

We are the Teachers Union, the single most potent force for evil in human history.

That's brilliant. Just brilliant.

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I will wholeheartedly pay it the supreme compliment - "Damn! I wish I'd said that!!"

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 14 Nov 2006 #permalink

I swear there's a primetime TV pilot in there somewhere. The lone voice in the wilderness fighting to expose the Teacher's Union and their vast conspiracy! Maybe they all turn out to be man-eating lizard aliens in the end.

Isn't that on tv already, in a show called Jericho?

Since the dawn of time, teachers have longed to destroy the world.

Thank God that the authorities know how to save the world from these youth-corrupters. If being made to drink hemlock was good enough for Socrates, it's good enough for modern schoolteachers.