Some Post-New Year's Links

Since it was a long weekend, here is a whole bunch of links for you. First, the science stuff:

  1. There's a new edition of Animalcules, the Carnival o'the Wee Beasties.
  2. The Ayres Ice Shelf is disappearing. But, really, there's no such thing as global warming...
  3. Jason Rosenhouse at EvolutionBlog rips apart Peter Hitchens Compulsive Centrism in the evolution vs. ID conflict.
  4. Darksyde discusses the real geology of the Grand Canyon, not the faith-based version
  5. What's left of the Amazon rainforest is turning into savannah due to global warming.
  6. Sandra discusses how bacteria are killed by antibiotics.
  7. Orac reports the corruption underpinning the anti-MMR vaccine forces.
  8. China is polluting the whole planet. The U.S. can't even keep its lead in pollution...
  9. I've reposted two posts about influenza.

Other stuff:

  1. If you read one post, it must be Barbara O'Brien's "A Pretty Short History of Wingnutism."
  2. Some dispatches from the Global War on Christmas, the Nigerian Front. Also, Half-Changed World and Baraita discuss the meaning of Hasmonean Veteran's Day.
  3. Glenn Greenwald details Fox News' role in mainstreaming violent, eliminationist rhetoric.
  4. driftglass asks "can we go home now" because we've killed Saddam and there are no WMDs to be found.
  5. Here's a more in-depth analysis of the voting patterns of those under 30.
  6. Here's a good synposis of a very important piece of Democratic-sponspored legislation: the Employee Free Choice Act.
  7. Dday compares the mainstream media in Gerald Ford's time and now.
  8. Hunter writes a "Requiem for a Bastard."
  9. Shorter Waveflux: what kind of Christian executes a war criminal during the holiday season?
  10. Good Math, Bad Math, Josh Marshall, and Barbara O'Brien all discuss the travesty of the Hussein show trial.
  11. Matt Stoller is right: our healthcare system is run by psychos.
  12. This post is a little bitter, even by my standards, but I know how Fixer feels.

More like this

Saddam got of easy. His death was accomplished in a few seconds. His tens of thousands of victims mostly didn't get off that easy, especially those subjected to chemical attacks who died lingering, painful deaths. Saddam should have been burned at the stake.

SLC : Two wrongs do not make a right.

Besides, >100,000 people have died horrible deaths at the hands of the Bush administration. If anyone should be punished it's Cheney & Co.

Re Beluga

By the reasoning of Mr. Beluga, Roosevelt (had he lived) and Churchill should have joined Herman Keitel on the scaffold because at least 500,000 German civilians died as a result of a strategic bombing campaign they authorized.


By the reasoning of Mr. Beluga, Roosevelt (had he lived) and Churchill should have joined Herman Keitel on the scaffold because at least 500,000 German civilians died as a result of a strategic bombing campaign they authorized.

I don't think that this ends the argument, it rather semi-corroborates what Beluga pointed out. The virtue of historical hindsight doesn't absolve us of the moral quandaries that surround much of allied conduct in WWII, nor does it do so for our current situation in Iraq.