Someone Should Tell Nancy Grace...

...this is why you should be nice to your employees. Talk show banshee Nancy Grace got punked by her own producer (the last third still has me giggling). I'm guessing the producer has another job lined up and decided to give Grace a 'goodbye present':

That's just nasty. CNN at its finest. Now, if only David Broder could get the same treatment....

More like this

Totally inappropriate. Linking sex and Nancy Grace should be against the lawand bacteria like her don't have sex anyway. I wouldn't touch her with a 10, 20, I mean 100 foot pole if she was the last woman on earth, or if I was like totalaly drunk and wouldn't remember a thing. But I WOULD totally hate myself in the morning.

KUDOS to the Producer! She even made The Baby Jesus laugh his ass off!

Coffee, keyboard, you know the rest...
How could anyone in Nancy Grace's position not be splitting their sides while this was being shown on a "story" by Paris Hilton???
There's something wrong with that woman.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 02 Jul 2007 #permalink

Nice. For the most part I've tried to avoid Nancy Grace when watching cable news, and frankly she comes off like a priggish dolt in this one.

I'd like to buy that producer a drink...

Couldn't happen to a nicer fleabag. What IS the attraction of this person (and I use the reference to her humanity very loosely) to television? I'd like to lock her and Ann Coulter in a room together and see which one turns cannibal first.

Best part is, she keeps saying "It's Still Up." I suspect she's impressed by the male performance in that last sequence; it's got to be more "excitement" than she ever sees.

Re J-dog
"Linking sex and Nancy Grace should be against the lawand bacteria like her don't have sex anyway. I wouldn't touch her with a 10, 20, I mean 100 foot pole if she was the last woman on earth, or if I was like totalaly drunk and wouldn't remember a thing. But I WOULD totally hate myself in the morning."

According to a report in the Washington Post last week, Ms. Grace is married and is now expecting.