More Little League Pics

From the proud papa.

First, the league's best right fielder:


He hasn't let a ball past him all year. Granted, no balls have been hit to him this year, but that's neither here nor there.

Next up, at the plate. Notice the bent knees, with the elbow up. That's pretty good form for a beginner (his Dad taught him that).


That picture is from his second at bat. In his first, he walked after looking at a 3-2 pitch in the dirt. That landed him on first (I don't think the first baseman is very happy with him):


From there he made it to second on a single, just beating out the throw from the center fielder:


He went to third on another single (the bases were now loaded):


He scored his teams sixth run on a bases loaded walk. His team went on to win 10-2. Go Warriors!

Oh, and in case it's not clear, I blurred out the ads and the faces of any kids who don't happen to belong to me.

More like this

Knees bent, elbows up, steely-eyed stare... developing like a pro. Any grandpa would be proud.

By granddaddy (not verified) on 10 May 2007 #permalink