Niobium-Tin (You'll need some for your homemade NMR)

As I've mentioned several times before, NMR is vital to modern chemistry (and medicine, for that matter).

Nb3Sn, or niobium-tin, is a superconductor that's used in modern high-field NMR (MRI) magnets.

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I've seen pictures of the stuff working in an old science book, it's pretty crazy.

eh, for a homemade nmr today, you'd be better off with doing earth's field or low field work. Building a superconducting high homogeneity magnet is non trivial. Even back 10-15 years ago when magnetic resonance groups still build their own instruments they even bought their magnets from some one (AMI maybe?) because doing this well is so crucial, yet its takes a great deal of expertise that is well over what you can expect a group of graduate students to have or learn.