c/o the Telegraph.co.uk, photo by Erik Rue
c/o the dailymail.co.uk
A pink bottlenose dolphin has been spotted in Lake Calcasieu, an inland saltwater estuary in Louisiana. The animal has red eyes, indicating that its startling color is due to some form of albinism. So far, it doesn't seem to be overly affected by its coloring, and is, as far as anyone can tell, a healthy, happy young dolphin who just happens to be bright pink.
The striking color might explain how Botos, the amazon river dolphins, ended up pink instead of the usual ranges of grey and blue that most dolphins are. Perhaps a genetic fluke, like this one, propagated through a smaller, restricted population.
The pink dolphin is a new favorite of tourists in the area and has been sighted at least 40 times, but conservationists and biologists warn to leave the creature be. Harassing marine mammals is against the law in the United States, and the dolphin, though exquisite to look at, is no exception.
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