Kiwi, you should thank me.

I have a brother. He's a great guy - way smarter than me. So when I saw this article headline I had to write about it:

"Having a sister makes you happier and more optimistic, say psychologists"

Yeah, I know: I'm awesome. But why this time?

Apparently growing up with at least one girl in the family gives people a better outlook on life because they're more able to cope with problems. Daughters encourage communication and keep a family tighter. The researchers said brothers, however, seem to have the opposite effect.

The study, done by scientists at De Montfort University in Leicester, questioned 571 people aged 17 to 25 about the make up of their families and their well being. The highest emotional scores were in girls who had sisters, and the lowest in boys who only had brothers. The effects were even stronger among children from broken homes.

So, Kian, you should be glad you have a sister. :)

The findings will be presented today at the British Psychological Society annual meeting in Brighton.

And yes, that is a brownie Go board in the picture. Is there any wonder I'm a total nerd?

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