Blue People of Troublesome Creek


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Thanks for that link, a truly fascinating story.

It reminded me immediately of the famous story "Eleven Blue Men" by Berton Roueche, which was originally published in the New Yorker magazine back in the 1940s, then later collected and published in his book, The Medical Detectives. Roueche was widely praised for his ability to expalin medical mysteries in detail while still making them understandable to the layman. I highly recommend the book.

You can read the first several pages of "Eleven Blue Men" on Amazon's preview page for the book.…
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no the pic is real.. it's actually an old family picture from my personal collection. I'm actually not that blue- more of a purple...

ok I'm full of shit - the picture does look a little suspect but I actually posted it because i thought the picture was cool - the story was just gravy.