Catchphrases with multiple meanings rock, according to scientists.

i-2b4c6333e5dd161fb360b02a66f8bdff-ad3.jpgEven if the person doesn't entirely get them. Why is that? you would certainly have to get them on some level to prefer them wouldn't you?

A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research discusses the benefits of slogans with multiple meanings, like a cell phone company using the slogan, "The Clear Alternative" or a tax-preparation service advertising that "You Get More in Return." The researchers found that some people are better at recognizing additional meanings than others, but they also found that degree of understanding has little impact on how well people respond to the catchphrases. In fact, consumers who didn't get the joke often expressed the greatest appreciation of the punned slogans.

What's a good slogan for Omni Brain? We'll send you the logo thong if we decide to use it!

Here's the press release.

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How about "Omni Brain: It's where you are." ;)

OmniBrain: Everything you think, it is.

By Mitch Harden (not verified) on 13 Feb 2007 #permalink

Omni Brain: All hearth.

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 13 Feb 2007 #permalink

"Omni Brain: We do it in your head"