Textbook warning stickers

Here are a couple of my favorites starting with the original really really stupid text.
Check out the original site for many more, as well as some good commentary.
Via BoingBoing & Digg.

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This is a joke, yes? Those stickers aren't put on textbooks are they? Please tell me it's a joke.

The first one is not a joke - the rest are though!

I'm in favour of this. REALITY should be marked "This should be studied with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered." That's the point of science education, no?

You can tell creationism isn't science. Otherwise they wouldn't have to claim that evolution is a "theory, not a fact".

I propose a slightly different wording:
"This text contains material that is established by scientific testing as by far the most likely explanation for living things.

There are other ideas of how living things came into being, but since they cannot be tested by any scientific method without failing, nor without violating the separation of church and state, we don't dare actually mention them by name on this sticker.

But you should consider these scientifically unsound explanations with an open mind."