Ann Coulter hates professors

There's a funny post over at A Genteman's C today with this great quote from Ann Coulter:

...Professors are the most cosseted, pussified, subsidized group of people in the U.S. workforce. They have concocted a system to preemptively protect themselves for not doing their jobs, known as "tenure." They make a lot of money, have health plans that would make New York City municipal workers' jaws drop, and work -- at most -- fifteen hours a week.

What is she smoking?


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I think the REAL problem is that Ann Coulter hates everybody that is smarter than she is... and that's a LOT of people!

Oh yeah. I'm so excited to earn that sweet sweet academia ca$h.

Nah. Ann's schtick is provoking outrage. She does not seek to educate, inform, illuminate, or otherwise provide real-world data. In short, she is pure contrarian.


By Bill Bolivia (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

What is she smoking?

Same stuff that David Horowitz smoked during the Ward Churchill brouhaha.

I have no clue where either of them gets the idea that a professor's work week is anything like that. I can only guess that (a) that's about the number of hours a typical professor spends in front of a class lecturing and (b) that's all they think a professor ever does during the week.

By ColoRambler (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

what amazed me is that while she was promoting her godless book on cable TV, not a single interviewer called her on the sheer stupidity of the science chapters. how can such a stupid person be given air time?

By richCares (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

There's a secret media agreement somewhere that requires Fox et al. to trot out Coulter and Malkin to prove that "Conservatism" (as defined by the O'Reilly/Savage/Hannity crowd) is gender-and-race-inclusive.

Ding-dongs is all I see in this list of whiners. You people don't share a brain cell between ya'. The reason you don't like Ann is because she communicates on a level higher than most can understand. It's the same reason you're Liberals, weak minds are easily manipulated. Try having a thought of your own and not following the butt of some Socialist with an agenda. Being anti-everything the other side is for is not a path to follow to achieve success. It makes you sheople and easily controlled. It's the reason the title of her book, Godless, the Church of Liberalism is a perfect title. You need look no further than than the other religion that's Godless, Islam.