Touchy feely new age bullshit.

This type of new age crap bothers me a whole lot. There's always a whole lot of words and ideas but no content or real evidence. It bothers me even more when evidence is used that is so very distal to the actual point. Physics and vibrations?! you've got to be kidding me!

So enjoy the video and the text below ;)

Everything in our known, physical universe is made up of energy. All the things you can see, touch, and feel are made up of energy. Your computer, your bed, your clothes, your music, your body, other people, trees, the wind, are all made up of vibrating energy. Even the things you can't see, touch and feel are made up of energy - space, time, consciousness, outer space, subatomic particles, are all made up of energy. Everything in its purest most basic level is made up of energy. We live and move and have our being in a fathomless, limitless, infinite sea of energy. Physicist Dave Bohm calls it the "implicate order." According to Bohm, what lies behind all phenomena is vibrating energy which forms an "unbroken wholeness which connects us all." Now what does this mean to us? Well, it all depends upon the depth of your understanding, and your willingness to work with this new model of reality that science presents us. It can either be an interesting concept to be thought about and forgotten, or it can be a major turning point in your life. For me, it was a turning point. I contemplated for many months that "all is energy" until a deepened realization dawned on me. Namely, that my ability to be effective and successful in life depended upon my understanding and use of energy. That energy was the real currency and power in my life.

Simply put, "The best way to predict the future is to create it." Our thoughts determine the present and future of what is contained within our lives. It's all about our choices. How and what we choose, upon what we focus, concentrate, or direct our attention, and where we spend our mental and emotional energies -- this is precisely what we will attract or draw to ourselves. And the universe always provides.

ugh... the link :(


More like this

I'm visualizing all the New Agers being mysteriously transported into a distant black hole ...

Oh--and my big lottery win, but you knew that was going to happen.

Gawd...if I had a dime for each time I've seen David Bohm's implicate order as an "explanation" of how we are all connected in one big interconnected holistic super-consciousness blah blah blah, I'd be a f*ckign billionaire. What a load of crap. The sad part is that a couple of the profs in my dept believe this stuff, and even promote it in their own classes. Can't say anything tho b/c they're tenured and I'm not.

There was a brief moment of my UG career where I really got into this stuff, and Fritjof Capra and all of that. It took me about 3 months to finally figure out how vacuous it ultimately is. OK, so I was slow on the uptake. But these guys still believe it. I bite my lip every time they start in.

By boojieboy (not verified) on 29 Mar 2007 #permalink

I admit, the New Age style beliefs of my parents took a huge hit when I saw "Yogic Fliers" in action.

For those not familiar, yogic fliers are people who get into the Lotus Position and start jumping. While I have no doubt this is potentially wonderful exercise for the muscles of the lower torso, not one actually managed any sort of superuman feat that could be described as "flying" And trying to tell a High school student that if enough people do this around the world will result in world peace made me wonder if they were attempting to make soldiers laugh so hard they couldn't hold a weapon.

Hmm.. yes indeed. This stuff reminds me of 95% of the stuff that I used to spend hours on end trying to "revert" or otherwise prevent from getting into serious articles that I had written on the Wikipedia (or "Wackipedia") before I gave it up as completely hopeless.

Funny but irritating as hell, at the same time.

"my ability to be effective and successful in life depended upon my understanding and use of energy."

Yes, get off your ass and create videos and articles appealing to postmodernist goofballs, and success will be yours. Woo woo woo.

My beloved spouse has learned to stay well away from me at street fairs where there are newage people selling rock crystals. I'll ostentatiously look, miming greater and greater interest and slowly building agitation, as the spiel about crystal energy is being delivered.

And eventually I'll start to say, louder and louder "You must take them back. YOU must TAKE THEM ALL BACK. All of their energy is broken up and scattered and in the WRONG PLACES. You realize the world is out of balance? It's because of people like YOU!


By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 30 Mar 2007 #permalink

If we all think realy realy hard we can stop this movement in its tracks.

By David Hunter (not verified) on 28 Nov 2007 #permalink

It is rather amusing how people really do not understand what this is all about. Its no idea that forces people to believe it or have their lives been engulfed by it. Its an awareness of the worlds shit processes. Don't stop something that promotes unity and peace. Stop the shitheads like yourselves who mock this, or trying to stop it for keeping the population ignorant to their natural rights, which are beign taken away day by day. Lie or not understand that this world is your only one and if you humans fuck it up, then you are fucked as well. you can't go anywhere else. Keep laughing, keep thinking that peace talking is bullshit, and kill each other, those who want peace will usually have it.

By Erundesal Oredroth (not verified) on 27 Jan 2010 #permalink

Thank you for your comments, I'm examining new age bullshit from the view point of being a psychic medium. Most of my clients want to me to 'read' their future, what I'm actually reading is how bizarrely they percieve the world.

When will 'this' happen to me. *shrug* when you make it happen.

People are being driven crazy by standards, new age and religious and social standards they can never hope to achieve because they don't even exist.

Erundesal I'd suggest perhaps you don't sound entirely peaceful yourself. If it were not for skeptics pointing out some practical matters, we'd all be in the looney bin. If you had true self identity you could look at this from a place of neutrality and wisdom and not be triggered into anger about it. The 360 view of the human, not the 'guru'.

Some of us don't want peace, we want to correct the shit that is being imposed on us from all angles. Then we can have peace. These people feel imposed upon and I don't blame them. If someone imposed that sort of weirdo crap on me, I'd get pissed to. Defense is divine.

No they don't understand metaphysical things because the peace junkies have distorted it by dragging it into the new age thought process which is just about the biggest bunch of horseshit imaginable. They are not fucked they are attempting to keep themselves from being imposed on which you should understand as "energetic rape" . I call it identity theft. People are capable of making their own minds up about who they want to be on their own terms. What happened to finding our own path? When New Age became a money maker that very wise and profound precept shit the bed.

I'd like to resurrect it.

Of course I don't consider you experts in metaphysics which actually exists but way outside of the New Age. I don't blame you for thinking it's horseshit either. The two have nothing to do with each other, one has existed forever the other is just a silly distorted means of trying to understand it. Simply put New Age thought is a a bunch of remanufactured Buddhist, and Christian precepts, languages and laws that have plumped up to be sweeter, and loving. It just makes everyone passive (like old religions) and encourages everyone not to have any self accountability or to do any self work to improve their conditions. "The angels will save us all." . They are all excused because they are angels or or flying unicorns.

Human Conciousness shift: How do you do that when we are all secret reincarnated flying dolphins. How are we going to do something like improve our conscious evolution when its a dirty word to be human anymore. New Age equates being human as some sort of dirty thing.

These people are more intuitive than any new ager could hope to be because their logic is warning them away from the trap. Your emotions pull you into it.

Skeptics, My advice is not to get worked up about them, skeptics, because people like you see through it.Even New Age people are finally coming around. Maybe they don't understand why its so nauseating, but at least they see through it.

The Ascension process. The New Age Rapture. Same belief, different word. 'Don't get left behind. Worse if you don't 'ascend' you'll drag us all back." From what? Being a unicorn?

Finding peace in your own self authority and self acceptance the way you are without religious, new age, social, and political conditioning is where it's at. If you do it metaphysically fine, if you don't, fine. Just do it.
Just don't do it New Age style. Trust me as a psychic I've stood in the middle of this crap for just about forever and I want to hurl when someone says Love and Light, or Namaste to me.

As far as crystals. Take your quartz driven watch apart and toss it's drive back into the earth where it belongs. No more laser technology either, as it is dependent on crystals too. No more technolog?. Come on skeptics don't sound as bizarre as the New Agers. Believe me, a lot of times you do.

By Celticknot (not verified) on 28 Feb 2010 #permalink

Simplex: crystal water (ice)
Complex: yellow snow
Aura: cognate fur/hair

I thought that wackos like that were the only things left on the internet. Seriously, extremely happy to always find a site or someone that actually speaks out against all this stuff. What amazes me the most is how many people interested in new age religious stuff are all people interested in conspiracy stuff.... SO to me that means, yeah, at first they questioned something... then how the fuck did they get stuck on praying to crystals...... then some new agers will talk about how bad orthodox religions are but if you truly look at what the new agers believe its basically like a combination of ALL the religious beliefs... There are even some points in new age beliefs that mirror "some" satanic views as promoted by Anton LaVey.

If religion is mind control this is like the ultimate roofie.... sit down... pray to crystals.... align your chakras... think about things you cant see and WE will tell you how they work.... most importantly....dont act "out".... if anything protest....because holding signs and praying to crystals brings REAL change.....hahahhaha

Whenever I think of psychics I think of dave chappelles racial profiling psychic hotline.....

"Ill even talk in a fake jamaican accent to make you feel more comfortable".....

The Ascension process. The New Age Rapture. Same belief, different word. 'Don't get left behind. Worse if you don't 'ascend' you'll drag us all back." From what? Being a unicorn?

I am so tired of this New Age Shit! The future is whatever you want it to be? The problem with this type of mindset is that it is always sold by white middle class fools. I am white myself. However, try selling this diatribe to the sons and daughters who die in their mothers arms on a daily basis in their tens of thousands from starvation.....You get the life that you deserve! or the future can be whatever you want it to be! This arrogant, ego-led, self righteous movement has completely lost the plot. Afraid to face reality and make real changes towards our tangible existence. Instead they wear blinkers while putting fingers in their ears shouting don't bring my energy down!

There's a particularly funny youtube guru with a texan accent who makes nonsense videos on this topic.. they contain so many logic fallacies it's unbelievable that so many persons might think to be awakened by that nonsense. And these folks VOTE!!!