Lab tech afraid Ted Williams' cryogenically frozen head about to become zombie beats it to death

Seriously... well not about the Zombie thing. Maybe if him and his family weren't such assholes people wouldn't do this kind of thing. Well, maybe people shouldn't do this to begin with. Here's the schtick from ESPN:

In "Frozen," Larry Johnson, a former executive at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Ariz., writes that Williams' head, which had been severed and frozen for storage, was abused at the facility. Johnson claims a technician took baseball-like swings at Williams' frozen head with a monkey wrench.

Seriously... look what they did to his head!


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Must not have been a very big wrench. Ted has always looked pretty much like that.

Nice...Must have been a Yankees fan!

By Mathias Stewart (not verified) on 20 Jun 2011 #permalink