Science in the News

i-47df49f1dba5d60017bd6ce21a6bf9bf-SITN-thumb-510x341-55705.pngThe new season of Science in the News starts next week with a great schedule of science lectures by Harvard grad students free and open to the public. If you're in the Boston area, definitely check it out!

Here's the schedule:

  • September 22: Evidence-based Medicine: A Case Study of Vaccines and Autism
  • September 29: Bots That Mimic Bugs: Flying, Crawling, and Squishy Robots
  • October 6: You Are What Your Mother Ate: The New Science of Epigenetics
  • October 13: Beyond Agribusiness: New and Old Ways to Grow Food
  • October 20: The Laser Turns 50: A Brief History and New Frontiers
  • October 27: Forget-Me-Not: How Memories Are Formed and Lost
  • November 3: Our Microbial Organ: The Good and Bad Bugs of the Human Gut
  • November 10: The Science of Dogs: History, Psychology, and Genetics of Man's Best Friend
  • November 17: Star Power: New Ways to Harvest Energy from our Sun

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