A novel situation

This is remarkable: I actually have all of my grading done, and even have Monday and Wednesday's lecture all ready to go. I'm. All. Caught. Up. I think this means the Apocalypse will be coming along shortly.

I don't quite have all my responsibilities out of the way yet, though. Next week is time for Cafe Scientifique Morris, and I'm the guy giving the talk this time. If you're somewhere in Western Minnesota or Eastern Repressive State of South Dakota, come on down to the Stevens County Historical Museum (116 W 6th Street) in Morris around 6ish. The Morris Area Arts Boosters will be selling tasty baked goods and coffee, so show up for good food even if you don't want to hear me trying to convince the community that Evolution Is A Good Thing.

And then, of course, I've got assignments due and exams to give on Thursday and Friday, so the crushing burden will resume soon thereafter.


More like this

A break in your schedule! Maybe you'll have time to read:
Ecological divergence exhibits consistently positive associations with reproductive isolation across disparate taxa
By Daniel J. Funk, Patrik Nosil and William J. Etges, PNAS Feb 28, 2006 v103 no9, 3209-3213.

can we please stop with the period. between. each. word. sentences?

How annoying.

Shatner has "pausenia", so should be forgiven.
PZ, also remember you Seattle roots and visits us too sometime!