Friday Random Ten: Taking it easy edition

For some reason, this has been a draining week, and I'm just slumped in my easy chair with the iTunes entertaining me…so let's toss up a Friday Random Ten.

Blade Of Grass Asylum Street Spankers
Prayers for Rain The Cure
Skåne Hedningarna
Whip It Devo
My Generation Patti Smith
Hallelujah Leonard Cohen
Logon Rock Witch Alarm Will Sound
Show me forgiveness Bjork
Stripper Lords Of Acid
Dr.Sayus Simpsons

Tomorrow is another day in the office, whipping up this talk for Cafe Scientifique, and I think I've got a science post or two fermenting up in my cranium.


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You have some pretty cool stuff on your iTunes.

By Tara Mobley (not verified) on 24 Feb 2006 #permalink

Sweet on the Spankers!!

If there was any justice in this world, those guys would
be the best selling band in the history of the universe.

If you haven't seen them live, make every effort possible to do so.

Dr. Zaius Dr. Zaius!
Dr. Zaius Dr. Zauis!
Dr. Zauis Dr. Zauis!
Ooooooohh... Dr. Zaius! (Dr. Zauis Dr. Zaius!)

What's wrong with me? (I think you're crazy!)
I want a second opinion! (You're also crazy!)

What's wrong with me? (I think you're crazy!)
I want a second opinion! (You're also lazy!)

(I have no idea why I'm being such a stickler for all these details ... except, that was a season of The Simpsons that I actually liked. And, I was one of those kids who watched all five afternoons of "Apes Week" on the channel 7 afternoon movie. I understand that I'm rather pathetic ...)

Here's another Random Top 10:

Key To The Highway - Little Walter
You'll Be Mine - Howlin' Wolf
Green Light - Sonic Youth
Chimacum Rain - Linda Perhacs
That's Alright Mama - Jelly Roll Kings
Hit It And Quit It - Funkadelic
Total Destruction - DJ Scud/Nomex
James and Wes - Jimmy Smith
Molly's Lips - Vaselines
Ring of Fire - June Carter

Random HAH!

Do you know the odds against those 10 songs coming up in that very order!

It's the Great Googly Boogly I tells you!

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 25 Feb 2006 #permalink

And how could you leave out "7 Deadly Sins" by Flogging Molly?

"We're seven drunken pirates
full of seven deadly sins"

fusilier, who is always amused that Punk Celtic Bagpipes sound just like Traditional Celtic Bagpipes
James 2:24

Skåne, that´s where I live (southernmost part of Sweden)! Today was the first day of the year that the sun´s rays really made a difference, i.e. we Swedes do that weird turning-our-faces-towards-the-sun-all-at-the-same-time thingy.

By Pastor Bentonit (not verified) on 25 Feb 2006 #permalink

I saw Lords of Acid when I was 16, sneaked into an 18+ show with my friend on his 16th birthday. My friend proceeded to lick the breasts of a woman in the crowd he'd never met before or since. I really haven't thought about that for years!

i think logon rock witch is by aphex twin... but you might have another song called logon rock witch

I had a coupla beers last night with Stanley "Cool Pops" Smith, who wrote, played, sang "Blade of Grass". Come to Austin sometime and look me up, I'll introduce you.


By Marlon in Austin,Tx (not verified) on 25 Feb 2006 #permalink

"Prayers For Rain" -> "The Same Deep Water As You" -> "Disintegration"

Is there a better triumvirate in all of pop music?

By gregonomic (not verified) on 25 Feb 2006 #permalink