Tiktaalik art


I just put of copy of "Embrace your inner fish" outside my office door. I want it on a T-shirt now.

(via The Austringer)


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Love it... Been thinking about getting some kind of 3D Aquarium program for my new PC. Maybe I should try to find a way to stick that critter in one of those.

Hey, Neil Shubin is our Sigma Xi banquet speaker this term (T 4/25)!


I don't understand the hand on the left coming from outside the frame...?

Saw an exhibition of Ray Troll's art once in a museum in SF (or was it Oakland?)... the colors are amazing when you see them in person.

I SO want the t-shirt, if one is available and so does my daughter.....

Well the good news is that AOL's link to the Tiktaalik story in the NYT was titled "Fossil Undercuts Creationism". The bad news is that the omnipresent AOL poll has 44% of respondents favoring bible stories over the fossil record. Depressing, but at least a majority went with the bones.

By justawriter (not verified) on 06 Apr 2006 #permalink

Nothwithstanding that it's got some odd resonances with the modern-day Wilferforce-esque loons still muttering 'I didn't come from no ape', I really liked 'Mom', too. I'm fairly sure my real Mom wouldn't be too hurt. If anyone out there is talking to Mr. Troll 'bout doing some silkscreening, I say it's gotta be on the list, too.

I think I'm creeped out by the mysterious hand coming out of the left side of the frame. Makes me want to glance down at my arm to make sure there's not a hand on it.

Yeah, I could see that on a t-shirt. It would be a pretty cool one too.

By Tara Mobley (not verified) on 06 Apr 2006 #permalink

He sells shirts already, and they're much higher quality than those available if he went to Cafepress. I wrote him expressing an interest in seeing the Tiktaalik designs on shirts. If you'd buy a shirt, let him know there's demand for them.

My favorite will always be his "Fish Worship: Is It Wrong".

I like his stuff, too. Never seen it before.

Calling the one picture "Mom" brought to my mind Jack Chick's poster shown here a few days ago, which includes a gorilla statue titled "Our Father" on the far right.

Which makes me wonder: do the cretinists typically focus on paternal lineages, at the expense of ignoring maternal lineages? Has anyone actually plowed through all those "begat"s in the bible, looking for mother-daughter links?

By The Brummell (not verified) on 06 Apr 2006 #permalink

"Which makes me wonder: do the cretinists typically focus on paternal lineages, at the expense of ignoring maternal lineages? Has anyone actually plowed through all those "begat"s in the bible, looking for mother-daughter links?"

I don't recall seeing any...

I like the Tiktaalik photo in the New York Times.
The reconstruction is, basically, cartoony ... The way he lifts himself off the stream floor with his fins; the wide, pessimistic snout ... And the beady little eyes on top of his head are a strong reminder of Gary Larson.

The new debate brewing in America is, whether to take comic strips to be the whimsical, exaggerated stories that the "evolutionists" would have us believe ... or whether they are the scientific truth. They'll call it evolutionists vs. cartoonists.

You should write Ray and ask him to get that pic on his shirts - he's really nice. He sent me a .jpg of Vampyroteuthis Infernalis that he drew once.