I don't know if the public can handle this

It's official. The big event is on. At the end of this month, it may be the end in more ways than one: four will enter, but only two will leave. It's the Pretty Boys vs. the Godless Savages in a brutal debate at the Bell Museum.

Speaking Science 2.0: New Directions in Science Communication

Friday, September 28, 2007
7:30 p.m.
Bell Museum Auditorium
$5 Suggested Donation

Seed magazine writers and influential science bloggers gather to discuss new directions in science communication. This lively panel discussion will cover a range of topics, including science and culture, public engagement with science, the role of scientists in the public discussion of science, and communication via the Internet, film, museums and other media. Author and journalist Chris Mooney, American University communications professor Matthew Nisbet, University of Minnesota anthropologist Greg Laden and University of Minnesota Morris biology professor PZ Myers will join moderator Jessica Marshall, a U of M science journalism lecturer. A reception in Dinkytown will follow the event.

Co-sponsored by the Bell Museum of Natural History; Seed Magazine/ScienceBlogs; The Humphrey Institute's Center for Science, Technology and Public Policy; and the Minnesota Journalism Center.

For more information about ScienceBlogs visit: http://scienceblogs.com/
For more information about the Bell Museum visit: http://www.bellmuseum.org/

It's gonna be intense, man.

If you can't make it, rumor has it that it will also be taped for the Point of Inquiry podcast. A recording won't fully capture the smell of fear or the texture of coagulating blood, though…SO BE THERE.


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A reception in Dinkytown will follow the event.


Personally, I like to think you guys will decide to take the matter to the streets so to speak. the fundies have an effective PR campagin. Science needs the same although I suspect that with Dubbya in the WH, any national recognition of science will not be forth comming.

By firemancarl (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

I wish traveling to Minnesota was easier. There are no firebrand biology professors of your stature in Bellingham, Washington.

Can't someone take video of it?

I plan on being there. It's been a while since I've been to the Bell but I believe I just take the #3 from downtown. Dinkytown is close by and within walking distance. I'm guessing the reception will be at the bar? I think I know which one though the name escapes me for the moment.

See you there.

By Brenda von Ahsen (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

Just so long as someone hits Nisbet with a rotten fish for equating Dawkins with Cthoulter.

As mild-mannered as the participants are, I really do expect some sharp exchanges to take place and I hope to make it.

By David Wilford (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

...four will enter, but only two will leave.

You're not going to eat BOTH of them, are you? Think of the carbs, man!

By Nathaniel (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

I'd love to go and see this, but I have a kiteboarding race that weekend on lake Mille Lacs. Please, plan somthing else that will be just as fun in the near future, will ya. I'd love to connect with some non-god fearing locals.

By Eric Paulson (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

four will enter, but only two will leave.

"The School of Assassins was easy to get in, and easy to get out. The trick was to get out upright."
-- Terry Pratchett

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

...moderator Jessica Marshall, a U of M science journalism lecturer.

They forgot the part: "...who will be appearing at this event wearing combat powerarmor and wielding the Flame of Arnor." Otherwise, things could get out of hand.

I'd come, for sure, but we're supposed to be boycotting the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport, I thought.

Also, I am so jealous. Dinkytown? That so bests Podunk.

A recording won't fully capture the smell of fear or the texture of coagulating blood, though...SO BE THERE.

Ah, but whose fear and whose coagulating blood?

American University communications professor Matthew Nisbet

How was I not aware that a professor from my own school - who teaches in my own concentration - was on Scienceblogs?


By FishyFred (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

I foresee an epic match.

One Frame to rule them all, ...

IIRC the trick is to bite the finger off.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

I can't wait! Are we going to need tickets or to just get there early? And the number 3 seems to be the nearest Metro Transit bus for those in the Cities.

Mooney will out-debate you both, unless Nisbet does something dumb, like pulling out his 'new atheists have no positive vision' strawman.


you forgot to add "OR BE SQUARE"

then again, maybe it should be:

By TylerJames (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

unless Nisbet does something dumb,

if recent salvos from Nisbet are any indication, this is guaranteed.

he's already done so many dumb things; why would he stop there?

My elder offspring has made it clear that nothing on earth will stop her from being present at this event.

She'll be the one in the front row swooning at the spectacle of Mooney and Myers together at last.

By MNObserver (not verified) on 20 Sep 2007 #permalink

As the organizer of the event, let me see if I can clarify some details:

-The Bell Museum is on the University of Minnesota campus at 17th and University.
-You can take a #3, #6, #16, or #50 to get there...it's very accessible by bike too!
-There may or may not be a mud pit.
-There WILL be a lot to talk about.
-The reception will be at a place called Kafe 421, which is within walking distance of the museum and serves wine and beer and really great mediterranean appetizers.
-You don't need a ticket, but you can reserve a seat ahead of time by calling the Bell Museum registrations office at 612.624.9050

See you there!

By Shanai Matteson (not verified) on 21 Sep 2007 #permalink

four will enter, but only two will leave.

"The School of Assassins was easy to get in, and easy to get out. The trick was to get out upright."
-- Terry Pratchett

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink

I foresee an epic match.

One Frame to rule them all, ...

IIRC the trick is to bite the finger off.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 13 Sep 2007 #permalink