
It's Talk Like a Pirate Day, so let's all heave a hearrrty "Arrr" and down a ration of grog.

Also, more significantly, today is the day of the

Freshman Biology Major Mixer!

In case any of our new biology majors at UMM didn't get the word, but do read the blog, here's the deal: party at my house, 300 College Avenue, 7pm tonight. Here's a map, but you hardly need it — we're right next door to the U.


The biology faculty will be providing the refreshments, we just want you to stop by and meet us all and your fellow budding biologists. It will be fun.

I doubt that I'll be up to growling like a pirate in the evening, but I'll have my Jolly Roger flying, and I'll be sure to have some of my collection of pirate books out on the coffee table if anyone else wants to join in.

But sorry, no grog for you. You're all under 21! Fizzy drinks and chips and cake instead!


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A student "mixer" with no beer?


By Donalbain (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

Even more signficantly, in the longer term (who would forego a beer or two, or even a soft drink, after all), today is Suffrage Day in New Zealand.

On September 19, 1893, all women in New Zealand were granted the right to vote in parliamentary elections, on the same basis as men. New Zealand was the first self-governing nation in the world where women gained the vote.

"The biology faculty will be providing the refreshments, we just want you to stop by and meet us all and your fellow budding biologists. It will be fun."

Budding? Wow PZ. Do you get yeast or Hydra as freshmen?


we're right next door to the U

What's building "65", which is even closer to you than the science block?

your fellow budding biologists. It will be fun.

Possibly more fun when they're flowering ... ;-)

Possibly more fun when they're flowering

More fun in Canada, where drinking age is a more reasonable 19....

Now I understand why you don't have faith in our LORD the GOD the creator of all TRAFFIC and PARKING LOTS. You just live too close to school. Why can't you have a 20-minute commute and park in a stupid parking lot way far from your office, like the rest of us?

A student "mixer" with no beer?

Actually, it sounds like all they will have is "mixer"... ooo and cake!

Graculus - it's 18 here in Australia!

Enjoy yer victuals and drink, my beauties, for who can say what comes on the morrow?


But sorry, no grog for you. You're all under 21! Fizzy drinks and chips and cake instead!

They can always take their firearms with them though, which I believe is legal at 16 in Minnesota.

Building 65 is the secret zombie squid lab. Shhhh.

Actually, that's LaFave House. It's a house that was donated to the U and remodeled to be a lovely formal little place for meetings.

Graculus :

The drinking age in SOME part of Canada is 19... In "la belle province", we have a reasonable drinking age of 18 (which, sadly, I have long ago surpassed...). Therefore, if you are old enough to vote, you are old enough to drink!


By Alex the Canuck (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

Graculus, in Alberta it's 18 as well. And just to date myself, when they changed it from 21 to 18, I was already 19, so I never got to celebrate a birthday by getting falling over drunk. And now that I'm old, I celebrate by getting a piece of cake from the bakery and falling off my diet. Just wild!

It's 16 for beer here in Switzerland :-P
Calamitous :-)

If anyone's looking for a way to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day, it's an excellent chance to head on over to Distributed Proofreaders and sign up. There are ten books about pirates, piracy and related things currently in the first round, just waiting for some interested person to come proofread them.

I doubt that I'll be up to growling like a pirate in the evening

Where I was educated that'd be taken as a challenger. Arrr! All right all yar wannaber squidlys, tonight's mission is tae make Dr Myers grrrrowlll likes the eviller miltant barstud he ar!

(Pointy weapons are allowed only until he comes up with the grog.)

I'm getting rather fed up with being told that I'm 'barely old enough' to buy alcohol when I'm in the states. I'm 27 with a fair amount of gray hair, but even after they see my ID, I'm barely old enough to buy wine!?

By K. Engels (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

They're old enough to procreate! Let them DRINK!

the secret zombie squid lab ... remodeled to be a lovely formal little place for meetings.

So that's where the octopus throne-room is. :-D

Oh how ideal, Monday my ragweed allergy kicked in and today my voice is so rapsy that I sound like a pirate without trying.

By wildcardjack (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

Re #2, does this mean it should be International vote Like a Pirate Day?

Lowarr taxes on booty, me hearties! Univarrsal Healthcarr!

By Warren Terra (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

My daily bicycle commute to work takes me through the East Bank campus of the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; this morning I saw students setting up outdoors for what I presume was the fall activity fair--the event at which student organizations set up information booths (tables) and try to attract newcomers from the students who visit the fair.

Anyway, the point: as I biked by, I saw the Campus Atheists and Secular Humanists (CASH) table; the student running it was dressed in full pirate regalia! I yelled "All right CASH!" as I went by, but I'm not sure if the pirate heard me.

Lowarr taxes on booty, me hearties!

If you're paying taxes on your booty, you are doing it wrong...

By K. Engels (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink

I saw the Campus Atheists and Secular Humanists (CASH) table; the student running it was dressed in full pirate regalia!

Arrr! But their ship's rigging be a-disappearin' into the deep. Be there a rival pirate crew a-boardin' her?

But sorry, no grog for you. You're all under 21! Fizzy drinks and chips and cake instead!

I would like a muffin!

Congratulations Pirates, Freshman, and female Kiwis! ^^

For your listening pleasure today, I highly, highly, highly recommend Captain Bogg & Salty, the Pirate Rock Band. There are some nice things to listen to for free on their site, and they're available on iTunes. I can't get enough of them! *dances the Pegleg Tango*

On this day every year thousands of people come down with Scurrrrvy. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe! Eat a lime!

By ssjessiechan (not verified) on 19 Sep 2007 #permalink