Let's switch to radio

Things are getting ugly at scienceblogs right now — you've probably noticed all the errors in making comments, and those of us on the inside are struggling even more to get through to put up posts. Rumor has it that we may be undergoing some kind of denial-of-service attack — we're short of information ourselves, since our tech people are too busy tearing their hair out and pounding on recalcitrant iron to give us updates. We'll know more when everything is fixed. Soon, I hope. Until then, have patience and try not to post too many duplicate comments.

We may have to switch to old media. I'll be on KPFT radio tonight, at 10:30 pm Central, along with some other guy named Phil Plait. I think we're going to talk about the Republican version of supporting science, which consistes of complaining about overhead projectors and bear DNA, while endorsing candidates who believe Jesus would hunt dinosaurs from his helicopter.

More like this

Dissing the bear DNA study really pissed me off - if grizzly bears were our technological superiors would they be making fun of efforts to save the last of the humans? - but I figure, oh well, that's a republican for you. Then on one of the Sunday morning news programs I heard John Kerry do the same thing. He criticized Gov. Palin for supporting research into "seal DNA." What a dumb ass. I'm glad (not really) he was beaten.

By Curt Nelson (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dissing the bear DNA study really pissed me off - if grizzly bears were our technological superiors would they be making fun of efforts to save the last of the humans? - but I figure, oh well, that's a republican for you. Then on one of the Sunday morning news programs I heard John Kerry do the same thing. He criticized Gov. Palin for supporting research into "seal DNA." What a dumb ass. I'm glad (not really) he was beaten.

By Curt Nelson (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Could ScienceBlogs be suffering from over use. Over a million comments and the system just breaks down.

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

What's wrong with Jesus hunting dinosaurs from a helicopter? He probably would look super sexy while doing so. Damned if I'm going to stop Jesus from bringing home the bacon.

...tech people are too busy ... pounding on recalcitrant iron

What an interesting metaphor for ... oh. Oh, I see. Never mind.

hmm.... my two favorite science bloggers in one program. i shall try and remember this tonight :-)


By Shaden Freud (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

McCain also dissed the seal DNA study... before he picked Palin. As for the grizzly DNA study, that showed that grizzlies were doing well enough in Montana to be able to ease restrictions on ranching and energy exploration. So the investment of a few million dollars in that grizzly study will allow a return of tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars. Even Cindy McCain's sweetheart deals with Charles Keating didn't create those kind of profits.

But McCain apparently doesn't want profits. Or something. All we really know about him is he wants those damn kids to get the hell off his lawn!

OK Captn!
I was kinda just watching TM sling blade anyway. ;o)

What's wrong with Jesus hunting dinosaurs from a helicopter?

Get your facts straight. Everybody knows the dinosaurs were wiped out in the Flood, long before Jesus got his pilot's license. (Well, everybody but Sherri Shepherd, who thinks Jesus came before Adam and Eve.)

By Gregory Kusnick (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

I think a DOS attack would be sweet. I feels so right. It's exactly the kind of underhanded foul play I would expect from someone religious who's been frustrated (more like pissed off)(oh, and on fire) by these blogs. Since their ideas can't compete in the larger arena, they need to escalate their efforts. They always do. If that is the case, may they be tracked down by the hounds and strung up on a flag-pole for all the blogosphere to behold! - oh, and point, laugh, and sneer at.

I wondered - it seemed a little quiet here this afternoon.

Jesus would not hunt dinosaurs from a helicopter. He'd have some self-respect and shoot them with a bow and arrow, just like in 10,000 BC. Sorry - I've been with a bunch of 6-year-olds this afternoon.

"He'd have some self-respect and shoot them with a bow and arrow"

Bow and arrow?! Are you kidding me?! This is the SON OF GOD we're talking about here. Actually, he is god, but in fleshiness, so he's his own father...and....then there's the spirit...it's complicated. He simply would have turned them into pillars of salt. I think that was one of his more clever m.o.'s.

@gregoryKusnick: I refuse to let you rain on my hot-Jesus-in-a-helicopter-shooting-dinosaurs fantasy. Besides, if you were raised like a good fundie, you'd know that remnants of the dinosaurs probably remained and showed up in Job, so probably showed up in Nazareth now and then too.


Of course MODERN fundies would use a Windows attack...

By Michael I (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Call KPFT Studio line at 713-526-5738 to participate during the show.

Curt Nelson at #2 posted:

if grizzly bears were our technological superiors

Reminds me of Terry Bisson's "Bears Discover Fire." Great short story.

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

OK, I'm looking at my radio right now and I don't see any place to type in my comments, let alone a button or anything for submitting them.

Oh, wait: there's a toggle marked FM/AM (Flying (Spaghetti) Monster vs Abrahamic Mumbo-jumbo or Fundie Mode vs. Atheist Mode?). Hmm. That doesn't help. And don't these things have something called vacuum tubes inside them? Is that why it's all covered in dust bunnies?

Can anybody give me a hand? Do I need to know how to knap flint to work this thing?

He'd have some self-respect and shoot them with a bow and arrow, just like in 10,000 BC

Everyone knows the biblical weapon-of-choice is the Goliath-killing sling. And since he was allegedly the descendant of David it'd be the family tradition.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

I think we're going to talk about the Republican version of supporting science, which consistes of complaining about overhead projectors and bear DNA, while endorsing candidates who believe Jesus would hunt dinosaurs from his helicopter.

Don't be ridiculous.

Jesus had an autogyro.

PZ Myers posted:

candidates who believe Jesus would hunt dinosaurs from his helicopter.

"Now the Catholic League's got a chopper in the air
Wake up screamin' like I'm back over there.
I learned a thing or two from Charlie dontcha know.
You better stay away from Copperhead Road!"

With apologies to Steve Earle.

And bears.

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

S Scott @ 9

Unfortunately, the program is only 30 minutes long so taking phone calls is not in the cards this evening. I'm trying to figure out how to introduce PZ and Phil and Pharyngula and the James Randi Foundation, Bad Astronomy, Crackergate, Atheism vs Science, etc etc, without taking up the entire 30 minutes just to open.

However, I'll check this thread before leaving if you want to post a question here, I'll try to squeeze it in.

In the future, if PZ and Phil would like to come back and play on the radio, I will weasel more airtime, and we will open the phones.

"Jesus would hunt dinosaurs from his helicopter."

So cool....

PZ, quit fooling around with fish and clone us up some dinos. I wanna do what Jesus would do.

By Amiable Dorsai (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

... while endorsing candidates who believe Jesus would hunt dinosaurs from his helicopter.

Dinosaurs are VERMIN! Especially those doggone T-Rexes, who keep ruining the coconut crop.



That's the answer the sitting President brought back from a night of devout prayer. Can't deny the Word of God(tm).

Everyone knows the biblical weapon-of-choice is the Goliath-killing sling.

Donkey jawbone > sling. It is canon.

Spaulding @ 44 :we all know that Jesus don't need no stinkin' helihopter to hunt dinos.

OMG that is sooo WRONG!!!

The dino in that graphic is REX from 'We're Back'. The coolest evar dinosaur animated movie, professor screw eyes, and Walter Cronkite as the curator of the Museum of Natural History.

I can't believe that the Xians are attacking our beloved icons.

That settles it, I've just gone from agnostic to atheist, I'm going to call Bill Donahue to protect my civil rights.

I'm waiting for the moment when "The right to bear arms" is transmogrified into "The right to arm bears." (Kudos to the late Gordon Dickenson.)

By Bob Carroll (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

oops I meant 14

Silly boy. Jesus didn't need a helicopter to hunt dinosaurs. He could fly. After all, he's part of God don't you know. He could change the molecular structure of matter, changing water in wine. Defying the laws of gravity would be nothing...

Lou Dobbs' crazy ass is trying to stir up racist hatred against urban black people for winning the election.


"Are you concerned that radical left-wing activist groups [ACORN] are trying to manipulate the outcome of this presidential election?"


This in spite of the facts, as investigated by our own Ed Brayton, that ACORN is the victim of fraud, not the perpetrator. (google "scienceblogs acorn")

By ACTIVE POLL RI… (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

@Moses#36: Yes, Jesus could choose to fly if he wanted to show off, but JC is better than that. He doesn't have to prove anything besides that he is willing to take on earthly form and not be tempted by the devil to do crazy things like come off the cross or fly without a helicopter. Jesus would choose the helicopter route, most def, because he's cool with us regular peeps like that... not too showy. However, if flying solo while hunting could help people better understand a biblical point, like turing water into wine did, then Maybe he'd consider it.

Donkey jawbone > sling. It is canon.

Biblical History fail on my part.

Jesus'd have to have a pair to take on dinosaurs hand-to-hand. If moose-hunters were actually that brave - rather than being chickenshits who shoot from helicopters (doesn't sound very 'sporting' to me) - I might have some respect for them.

Where I come from they go wild pig hunting with a team of dogs and a sharp knife...

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Where I come from they go wild pig hunting with a team of dogs and a sharp knife...

I'[m not sure if that shows massive balls or tiny brains. ;)

Jeebus most definitely would hypnotise the dinosaur with his calm baritone and then get close enough to use the Five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique on the critter. He would obviously then raise it from the dead in it's pre-flood (ie non-carnivorous) mode and keep it as a pet, but it would always be getting on his nerves like tripping him up when he comes in from the Bedrock Bowlerama....

I'll listen to you, Scooter, and Phil tonight on the good old fashioned radio. I've got a preset to KPFT and I have to tell everyone the entire Thursday lineup is excellent. New Capital in the morning. Kaku's Exploriations in the early afternoon. Generasian radio where you can hear Punjab remixes of current pop hits, Democracy Now, Progressive Forum, The Other Side, and Scooter wth The Inner Side.

It's been a long time since KPFT had such an openly secularist show as Scooter's Innerside. Last I remember was the American Athiest Hour back in the 80s.

Jesus, he's such a bigot:

"Are you concerned that radical left-wing activist groups [ACORN] are trying to manipulate the outcome of this presidential election?"

I want to ask Lou Dobbs why signing people up to vote is "left-wing" or "radical." Oh wait, it's because they're black and hispanic and we can't have that...

But since I know the answer and can't ask him the question, let's just freep his poll.

Pig hunting here is done with 4wheeler ATVs, two packs of dogs, and riatas. The curs and foxhounds locate the pigs and call in a pack of pitbull, staffordshire, heeler, smooth collie mixes. The second pack pins a few pigs which are then roped. They keep the juvies for themselves and sell the boars and sows to that old back guy with the half ton. Old black guy then cures the meat and sells the best shoulder roasts, pulled pork, and sausage in Waller. I stop there and pick up a few treats for my bro when I go to visit him in Austin.

Can't carry a gun on a flood control project and there are usually local laws against discharge of a firearm. That's why they don't just shoot the pigs.

I'm not sure if that shows massive balls or tiny brains. ;)

Well, it's country Queensland so I'd lean more towards the latter - but there'd be have to be a certain amount of the former. It's something Andrew Symonds does for fun when he's not playing cricket.

By Wowbagger (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'm tuned into the link, but all I'm getting is Nader. Which is fine with me.
When is PZ on? It's 6:32 PM here.

Patricia-real soon I think

By Sphere Coupler (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!! Must be the vatican. >(

Will there be an MP3 available afterwards? I won't be able to listen and I'd love to.

7:07 PM Oregon time - SCOOTER!!

Someone in the U.S. please ring in and ask him why he wants to bomb Australia LOL

Someone in the U.S. please ring in and ask him why he wants to bomb Australia LOL

We don't need an answer for that one, they are after our precious uranium at a discount price.

I second Michelle @48. Please provide a download for the show! As soon as I heard McCain's overhead projector crack during the debate, I hustled over to BA to see what Mr.P would have to say about it.

I'm on line 2 - right now - 7:50 pm Oregon time....
713-526-5738 studio live line.
Just hope my phone battery holds out.


Please ask PZ what he has against Catholics. The fact that he went out of his way to desecrate the most holy Eucharist, while leaving Ritz completely untouched clearly demonstrates his anti-Catholic bias. I dare him to do the same to a Wheat Thin and see what happens. I suspect he doesn't have the stones.

Leave my Lord and savory alone!

ref: "Will there be an MP3 available afterwards? I won't be able to listen and I'd love to."

I'm hoping it will be available here: http://archive.kpft.org/
It looks like they are VERY fast at adding archives. (Some Shows)

I do see a few "Inner Sides" from previous weeks.
Maybe Scooter can elaborate.


That didn't go well.
You're on your own Scooter.

PMSL @ Patricia

A 58 panhead...really?...cool

By Sphere Coupler (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Scooter! That's just naughty. Pfft!

I wish they could talk about McCain running around on his rallies screaming " I am mad" and " Im so angry" about the "socialism" from the evil government.

Is the man really so senile?The guy that "suspended his campaign" to save the bailout deal is a week later saying he's angry because that deal he allegedly helped to broker is socialism??
I mean,come on,is anyone going to call him out on that??

Heh. He just gave us a shout out!

By IasonOuabache (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Member of an "outlawed motorcycle gang"?

Sorry I don't know what PMSL means.
Scooters female sidekick said Scooters infamous emails are because he's drunk. OK.
Sphere Coupler,
My Harley is a 1957-1993 mis-mash of spare parts. Home built by my father and husband. Scooter was right on with that. Other ladies don't give a second look at it - but the men always stop, and look, and look...and look...at the bike. And the sound:
giddy-up, giddy-up, ha,ha,ha, giddy-up! (That's an idle) Old Harley.

//Member of an "outlawed motorcycle gang"?//

On free beer night too.....


It means I laughed when you called in.....

8:43 PM - Oregon time - PZ! Woo Hoo!

Was that beers or bears?

Was I hearing things or was that a protester?

By FishyFred (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

FishyFred: That was a Palin impressionist. It was supposed to be funny.

By IasonOuabache (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

It was a fake Sarah Palin... Yawn.

Clinteas - I did the best I can. They didn't want to answer about bombing Australia.
I'm pretty much pro-Australia! The chooks alone are priceless.
Then there's the sluts...

Phil and I have something in common. The first time I ever saw Randi was on a show about psychic surgery.

By Porky Pine (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

PZ did not get to talk very much...
Thanks A LOT Phil!

I'm going to bed!


This was a pretty poor interview. If you're going to do a interview, a least have some questions or go to the phones at least. Not this "What do you guys want to talk about?" stuff.

By Porky Pine (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

PS - Scooter needs to work on his interviewing skills.


Blah, I was too busy reading the Hannity thread, tuned in to hear the last five minutes or so. Got to hear Phil pimp his book -- so, PZ don't you think it's about time?

PZ - You sound like such a lovable fuzzball.

I suppose, since the religious know they're beaten, they want to pester Scienceblogs. They'll loose interest, when they're buzz turns to headache. The fundies cannot imagine the tenacity of us dirty intellectuals, those who toil to understand how things truly work.

If they can't argue, then they have to fight. When they know they can't fight, they'll just go away and sulk on their own little blogs (they really should go to the library instead and read things they disagree with, but that might be expecting too much).

Only half an hour? Ripped off!

By Talen Lee (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink

Porky Pine @ 74 and John at 75...

Tough room.

I had fun.

It's community radio for crissakes, whaddaya want?

Interviewing skills? Fuck interviewing, that's the problem with vanilla media, the questions lead the subject, I'd rather hear folks just riff on their own and control the conversation. A couple of seconds of dead air is nothing to fear.

The reason I don't sound professional is because I'm not a fucking WHORE !!!!

I'm a slut.