New Word for Wednesday

A word which might be useful in describing depictions of Jesus in South America:

Iconotropy noun. The misinterpretation of icons of an earlier cult by a later cult. Especially so as to bring the beliefs of the old school in line with the new school.

The monotheist bested the polytheist by repeated counterarguments of iconotropy.


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Robert Graves (who coined the neologism iconotropy) was a classical scholar, a political conservative and a poet ... not a cognitive scientist, mathematician, or physicist.

Being conservative, Graves freighted iconotropy with negative connotations ... needlessly. Because without the powerful tool of iconotropy, how can the dark forces of agnotology ever be overcome? :)

To illustrate (humorously) the power of iconotropic images, consider the following two views of quantum simulation science ...

The QIT view:…

The MOR view:

The iconotropic point being this: from either side of the door, access to new knowledge is mighty tough ... we need all the help we can get! :)