The Weird Pope

Via his squidiness, a test on which pope you are. Me?

Seek help now!

You are a giddy combo of the weirder Popes, Stephen VI, Benedict XVI and St Peter

But we knew that already, no?

More like this

I like that test:

"Well done!
You are a mish-mash of Pope Sisinnius, Stephen the Pope Elect and Pope Urban VII, who didnât reign long enough to make any sort of Papal mess. And/or you represent the period of sede vacante when there is no Pope at all â probably the best scenario."

"Pull your socks up!
You are an amalgamation of those pesky anti-Popes Clement VII and Benedict XIII"

Which is fine with me, because it is quite the racket.

I liked that for two of the questions all of the choices offered were "I call Papal infallibility!"

I did notice that some of the answers were geared toward getting St. Peter as a result.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 28 May 2009 #permalink

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