And the Celebrity I Look Like Is........

Over at The Examining Room of Dr. Charles, he's got a fun little link you should try! You upload a picture of yourself, and a program analyzes your facial structure and then compares it to a database of celebrities.

So, after uploading a picture of myself, here's who the program said I resembled. The percentages refer to how similar our faces are:

Kate Hudson 71%
Sharon Stone 70%
Kim Catrell 70%
Avril Lavinge 66%
Naomi Watts 66%

Pretty cool!

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Tony Danza 64%
Forest Whitaker 56%
Larry King 50%
Gheroghe Hagi (?!) 49%
Kevin Mitnick 48%

Who are all those people? And why Larry King (the only one I know from the list)?

Tony Danza? Ha! He was on "Who's the Boss."

Forest Whitaker is a Scientologist!

Don't know the others except King.

Ni Hao! Kannichi Wa!How tragic! Not one scientist among the above hits so far.It would be nice if one could limit searches to categories based on neurocircuitry versus craniofacial-skeletal expression.In my view, Coturn looks like a cross between the young Enrico Fermi and Theo Dobzhansky.Check the scientist celebrity listing, not a bad collage together with the anthropoligists, inventors, medical, and naturalists.MOTYR

By Mouth of the Y… (not verified) on 31 Jul 2006 #permalink

Sounds like an episode gone wrong of "If They Mated." :) Talk about inner conflict, though.


kevin mitnick was one of the original 'dark side' hackers. made himself infamous in the mid eighties as one of the first disgruntled teens to really perfect breaking into early computer networks and persuring the secrets they held. He started as a phone system hacker, or phone phreak, freely using bell systems technology against itself for free phone calls as well as pulling pranks on anyone who angered him (he turned a rival's home phone into a pay phone such that whenever they picker up the receiver to make a call it asked for him to insert change). He got busted in the late eighties by the feds and put in prison (after being in trouble with the law a number of times for lesser computer crimes) for some pretty trumped up charges about him stealing computer information for personal profit (he took the whole source code for a new DEC operating system) even though he was mainly taking the source code for his own personal use and edification (and to prove to himself and hacker peers that he could do it). I could go on, but i've taken up enough of shelley's comment space. oh, there's a good book called cyberpunks about mitnick and a few other eighties hackers. it's quite a good read.

Kevin Mitnick is the hacker who got nailed big time by the feds some years ago for intrusions into IT companies' networks. He is now a computer security expert and consultant. Picture here.

Shelley, nice selection there.

One picture returned Magic Johnson. Another try yielded Hillary Swank. I'm a scrawny white boy for comparison.

After several tries I got Ethan Hawke. I'm going with that one.