I'm on Vacation, Jeez!

I'm on vacation, so excuse the lack of posts. Blogging will resume tomorrow!

Even if I wasn't on vacation, I'm WAY too traumatized by the death of Steve Irwin to post anything.

Most of you may not know this, but I harbored a (not so) secret crush on Mr. Irwin, and now must find an appropriate target to move my third-tier celebrity infatuation to. This is proving hard work.

More like this

I would suggest Matt Gallant, the FORMER host of "The Planet's Funniest Animals."

Holy shit! Who needs real scientific achievements when I can bask in this glory for the rest of my days?

I want a medal and a free car.

How about creepy nerd-lovers with a thing for parrots sending you unsolicited emails? Will that do?

Congrats on the hotness index! :), and yes, Matt Gallant is pretty cute. But he didn't have the same passion that Mr. Irwin had...